The main goal of studying the discipline Life Safety is the formation of a professional safety culture (noxological culture) among students, which means the readiness and ability of an individual to use the acquired body of knowledge, skills and abilities in professional activity to ensure safety in the field of professional activity, the nature of thinking and value orientations in which safety issues are considered a priority.
The academic discipline " NORMAL PHISIOLOGY" is a basic discipline that forms general professional competences among students: the ability to assess morph-functional, physiological states and pathological processes in the human body for solving professional problems; the ability to analyze the current state of problems in the subject area, to form a system of competencies for mastering the theoretical foundations of modern ideas about the functional systems of the human body, their regulation and self-regulation under the influence of the external environment, about the laws of the functioning of individual organs and systems and their relationship.
Histology, embryology, cytology (HEC) is one of the basic disciplines, which is interconnected with the disciplines of biology, anatomy, normal physiology, microbiology.
Main provisions of histology, embryology, cytology is needed to explore disciplines: immunology, pathological anatomy, clinical pathological anatomy, pathophysiology, clinical pathophysiology.
The aims and goals of the discipline“Histology, embryology, cytology” areas follows: mastering the students knowledge of the microscopic morphology and functional development of cell, tissue and organ systems of humans providing the relevant part of the theoretical foundation of training professional activities of General medicine.
Academic discipline histology, embryology, cytology refers to the mathematical, natural science and medicobiological cycle.
Histology, embryology, cytology is one of the basic disciplines, which is interconnected with the disciplines of biology, anatomy, normal physiology, microbiology.
Main provisions of histology, embryology, cytology is needed to explore disciplines: immunology, pathological anatomy, clinical pathological anatomy, pathophysiology, clinical pathophysiology.