The NRNU MEPhI is the leading engineering university of worldwide reputation. It is the only research nuclear university in Russia.
For over 70 years, MEPhI provides training of highly qualified personnel to work in the nuclear industry. Among the founders of the MEPhI are the great physicists and prominent statesmen: I.V. Kurchatov, B.L. Vannikov, Y.B. Zeldovich, N.N. Semenov, A.I. Leipunsky and many others. The Nobel Prize winners A.D. Sakharov, N.N. Semenov, I.E. Tamm, P.A. Cherenkov, I.M. Fran, N.G. Basov worked in MEPhI.
All these years MEPhI was training the personnel for nuclear industry in the broadest range of specializations. It eventually became a truly elite university and gained worldwide fame. The new stage of development of the university began in 2008, when MEPhI became one of the first of two national research universities and was renamed into the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI. Today the University is firmly holds the leading position in the training of specialists of the highest level. It combines the principles of synthesis of education and fundamental and applied researches.
MEPhI Mission is the generation, distribution, application and maintenance of scientific knowledge for the benefit of solution of the XXI century global problems. And it is well-known that one of the global problems is the problem of energy resources.
Strategic Goal: The NRNU MEPhI is the global leader in education, science and innovation in the field of nuclear, radiation, subnano- and nanoscale technologies and engineering. It makes a considerable contribution into innovative development and competitiveness of the Rosatom State Corporation and other leading Russian high-tech companies at the global markets.