Vladimir Anatolievich Kashurnikov, professor


                                           Anna Nikolaevna Moroz, assistant




 The basic survey data on an experiment and the theory of the integer and fractional quantum Hall effect, the main results of researches on high-temperature superconductors are provided, the main models applying for the description of the mechanism of an attraction of charge carriers in HTSC are considered as the review. The main physical phenomena accompanying superfluid phase transitions in helium-3 and helium-4, difference of phase transitions in a three-dimensional case and in low-dimensional systems with strong correlations, such as superfluid helium in one-dimensional channels, spin chains and ladders, etc., Bose condensation in alkaline metals are considered. Material is followed by the review of history of opening of the phenomena, bibliographic references if it is necessary, rather detailed statement of theoretical representations, on selective subjects offers in detail sorted tasks.

Kashurnikov V. A., Maimistov A.I. Modern problems of solid state physics: Part1. Integer and fractional quantum effects of Hall

Kashurnikov V. A., Krasavin A.V. Modern problems of solid state physics: Part 2. High-temperature superconductivity

Kashurnikov V. A., Krasavin A.V. Modern problems of solid state physics: Part 3. Superfluidity and Bose condensation

Elesin V.F., Kashurnikov V.A. Physics of phase transitions

Kashurnikov V. A., Krasavin A.V. Numerical methods of quantum statistics